Monday, June 04, 2007

A Shakespearean Dilemma

Everybody in the knitblogosphere seems to be working on either Monkeys or Jaywalkers. Chasing Bunny has got a picture of the Jaywalkers she is working on. She happens to be doing these socks in the same yarn and colorway that I am knitting my Monkeys in and now I am faced with a dilemma. My sock is on a time out (again) because I screwed up (again) one pattern repeat before starting the toe shaping and I need to rip back two rows. That's fine, I can do that. But Noodleknit's Jaywalkers are just. so. beautiful. I think I must have sock envy because I really really want to rip back the Monkeys entirely and knit the Jaywalkers. To Rip or not to Rip? That is the question.