Monday, September 24, 2007


There is a "no screens after 8 am" rule in my house, mostly to keep the children from watching too much TV, but it also helps keep me from looking at the computer all day.

Today (and much of this week) is different. I volunteered to do the church newsletter for our church secretary who is going on vacation this week (lucky woman!). Before I had children, I did a lot of work with Quark Xpress, but St. James' uses Microsoft Publisher, so "doing the newsletter" means I also have to "learn a new layout program".

First impressions: I prefer Quark. And not just because I am more familiar with Quark. Quark is a much friendlier application for working with multiple pages of text boxes.

Also, this is cutting into my knitting time so I am feeling a little grumpy. Hear that? It's my teeth grinding. *grr*